Save the trees, kill the children!
Sometimes I am just utterly amazed when I read the headlines on the news sites. Today we have some crazy woman accosting Condoleezza Rice with "blood" on her hand. She's protesting the war because obviously we're killing so many Iraqis now-a-days. No doubt aspects of the war in Iraq deserve some criticism. How are we going to pay for it? What's the plan to stabilize the region? Etc. But really, protesting their blood on our hands? How many Kurds did Saddam kill before we removed him from power? Where's your bleeding heart for them? It's like what is the current situation is the absolute worse possible. It doesn't matter if it's better than it was; right now is horrible! Then this inevitably leads to some 'impeach Bush' chant as if that's what impeachment was for. I guess whatever the Constitution says (i.e. the law of the land) is really irrelevant. Don't like em, impeach em!
Then we have more increases in taxes and increasing minimum wage. It doesn't take more than a high school level economics course to understand what minimum wage does. What happens when a price is artificially raised above equilibrium? There's less demand for that product/service. This is common sense. I guess the un-commonsense part of it is that in the employment area, this means less people employed. So let me try to wrap my head around this. Democrats, those supposed advocates for the poor, want this increased, yet it is going to put more of these unskilled workers out of a job. How is that really helping them? Putting them out of a job for a high sounding political statement is good? Really the motto should be: "more money for some, no jobs for others." LOL. I want to cry and laugh at the same time.
The last thing is all this talk about justice--bleeding heart liberals talking about justice. Casting crowns summarizes modern thinking well: "save the trees and kill the children." This is justice my friends: being zealous for a cause, while turning a blind eye to a much more reprehensible practice at the same time. Let's make sure we remove the death penalty for murderers, rapists, and the like too because that's morally reprehensible, and yet using government money to provide easy access to abortion clinics because that's a fundamental right. I hope the irony is obvious here. The lives of murderers, rapists--extremely violent criminals--are worth more than the lives of unborn children.
Just the talk about justice and morality by the American left sickens me these days. My question is simply, on what basis do you decide what's right and wrong when you're all raving humanists? If one thinks providing government welfare to the poor is more important than global warming, how is that conflict resolved? There's no standard, no basis for their "morality." I guess in the end that's why they have to be so loud about it. It is really just a shouting match. One opinion verses the other. If they don't already, one day they will all realize that their high sounding causes were just their opinions. Pontius Pilot had similar ideas: 'Pilate said to Him, "What is truth?" And when he had said this, he went out again to the Jews, and said to them, "I find no fault in Him at all."' I guess I prefer to be in touch with reality.