Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Lie Told By God-Hating Humanists

This story from ABC News is saddening to me. Without even really commenting on the pill itself (that's really just another facet of the abortion debate), I'd like to point out one of the most outrageous comments in the article:

Nancy Northup, president of the Center for Reproductive Rights, further noted in a statement released Wednesday that the development is a victory for science.
"We are pleased that the FDA is taking the necessary steps to comply with the court's order. It's a good indication that the agency will move expeditiously to ensure its policy on Plan B is based solely on science," Northup's statement reads. "It's time the FDA restores confidence in its ability to safeguard the public health and put medical science first."

The part of the quote that is just ludicrous is "to ensure its policy on Plan B is based solely on science." This lady's comments shouldn't even be reported by a news agency because they are an outright lie. Science can never answer moral questions. Science can answer "could" questions, but not "should" questions. Science can tell you what the pill is going to do, how it's going to work, the side effects and many other things, but it most definitely CANNOT tell you if minors or anyone else for that matter should have access to it. That is a moral question to which science cannot speak. This is not a victory for "science," it's a victory for God-hating humanists. Of course if she told the truth, then her statement looses much of its high sounding authority. Let me say it again, this is not about science in any fashion, it is about one group's religious agenda. Christianity will not have problems standing up in the marketplace of ideas; it'll stand up to Nancy Northup's brand of humanism any day, but she needs to be called out for her agenda. It's not a scientific agenda, it's an anti-Christian one. At least her opponents are honest and understand that it's not about science on this question.
This isn't much different than the story presented in Genesis 3. As far as science was concerned, Adam and Eve could eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. There was nothing special about the tree as far as science could say; the fruit was good for eating, there was nothing physically preventing them from reaching out and taking the fruit, but no matter what science said about the tree, that didn't answer the question "should they eat of that tree?" To answer that question, they needed to look to their Creator.

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